Download the Emulator file from above high-speed direct downlaod link.
Nightly and Canary: There are two Citra release types: Nightly (the stable version) and Canary, which contains additional features that are still under development. How To Download The Citra Emulator On Windows Computer. Play online and against your friends: You will also have access to all 3DS network functions, allowing you to play multiplayer and other online game modes. Click here for a list of all currently available Citra roms. saga, Castlevania, Sonic Generations and many more. Tap Allow to provide Citra access to view files on your device. Its a development carried out by several. Citra is definitely one of the best Nintendo 3DS emulators for PC. Open the app on your phone after its installed. Citra is a Nintendo 3DS emulator for Windows PC with which you can play on your computer desktop the best games for this portable video game console. The supported Citra games list includes titles such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokémon X / Y, Pokémon Sun and Moon, Pokémon Mysterious World: Portals to Infinity, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, almost all titles in the Mario Bros. Download Citra Emulator from the Google Play Store. Enhanced graphics, such as resolution scaling and texture filtering (these optional features work best on high-end devices) - Support for external gamepads. Play your favorite 3DS games anywhere: Citra 3DS emulator is compatible with more than 100 Nintendo 3DS games, although not all of them are guaranteed to run smoothly. Citra is an emulator for Android, enabling you to play your favorite games on your phone Features include: - Compatibility with hundreds of games.
The source code of the project is publicly available on GitHub. Open-source: This software is distributed under the GPLv2 license which means it is totally free to anyone.